If you are looking for professional, minimalistic infographic design or animation you are in the right place. I will design your Infographic as per your requirements like corporate, presentation, report, comparison, timeline, etc. So please mention the intended use of the Infographics.
Note : Infographic animation is available only for PREMIUM PACKAGE.
If you are not sure about the number of data points you have, No problem :) just drop me a message with your content, I will let you know how much it will cost to complete your infographic.
The information (including content) for the infographic should be complete.
- 100% Quality and Professional Infographic
- All file formats (JPEG, PNG, EPS, PDF, AI)
- Editable and Printable formats
- Any desirable size
- Custom design infographic (PREMIUM PACKAGE)
- Infographic Animation (PREMIUM PACKAGE)
- Create Infographic and Convert it into PowerPoint Format (EXTRA GIG)
- MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE (if you're not satisfied)
Please message me if you have any questions. :)

I had infographics which I needed animated. I sent the designs before ordering and he done a demo animation which was a great sign. Someone willing to do this before getting paid is worth paying for and someone I want to work with. He designed them exactly how I wanted with little instruction as it was not needed. I will definitely be working with him again in future.
: : : :
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